Tuesday, 29 September 2015

5 reasons Why Sanisu’s Marriage to an 18 year old (if true) is unacceptable and not a Private or religious matter and every concerned citizen must speak against it

5 reasons Why Sanisu’s Marriage to an 18 year old (if true) is unacceptable and not a Private or religious matter and every concerned Nigerian must speak against it

I woke up to the news that a man I highly respected had committed a grievous crime against all Nigerians but given the Nigerian penchant for supporting evil (if committed by our religious or tribal brother) the matter has become rather clouded by irrelevant considerations. As a female who was born in Kano and educated in Northern Nigeria, a part of the country which will always be dear in my heart, I have watched helplessly as the beautiful and once peaceful yet forward thinking region retrogressed at great personal and national costs. The main reason for this retrogression to my mind is the unjust and wicked systems established and perpetuated by some wicked Northern leaders, often hidden in the cloak of culture or religion.

This marriage is one blow too many, our leaders cannot enjoy the perks of office without paying the price of constraint. I’ve taken the time to articulate below why this is not a personal, cultural or religious matter. All well meaning Nigerians must arise and confront this evil for what it is.

11.     It is an insult to the officers and soldiers who have died defending this nation: I am a proud military child- my father served this nation meritoriously and I have a biological brother and several none biological brothers who I love dearly currently serving in the North. Quite frankly I am sick and tired of mourning one young man after another almost on a daily basis- men in their prime, to the unacknowledged war in the North. The cost of lives and unfulfilled dreams ought to cause restraint in the minds and actions of genuine leaders. What real leader goes merrying, nay marrying whilst his troops are slaughtered at the battlefront? Your Royal Highness sir, now is not the time for marriage!

22.     The Chibok Girls: It’s been over 500 days since over 200 girls were abducted. Their crime? They simply sought education! I consider it an insult to the sacrifice of the girls for another girl child to be traded by powerful men in a deal that she has little or no gains from. The arguments of 18 being the official voting age miss the point- who at 18 is mature enough to be subjected for life to the dictates of a man as old, if not older than her father? Her sexual organs may be ready, but is her mind? She might have declared her acceptance of His Royal Highness publicly (as Islam requires) and may even be ‘happy’ at the ‘fortune’ of this well arranged marriage but not for this young woman the pleasure of a casual trip to a beach. She cannot take a casual stroll down the street; upload a casual facebook picture. She cannot enjoy the casual attentions of young men, who know the beat and needs of her generation, who may today be penniless but given her friendship and encouragement, not for long. Irrelevant you call these but it is the dreams and pursuits of youth that make for innovation and genuine development. 

33.     The prevalence of underdevelopment: in his book Truth and Transformation, Vishal Mangalwadi states categorically that Africa and Asia have remained largely underdeveloped for a singular reason- the weakness of polygamy to build strong nations. Accordingly, he articulates how the discipline of monogamy forces men to build systems; builds strong women who can contribute to genuine development. Not weak women who make substandard decisions to keep the favour of the polygamist head of family. After all, merely by insisting on her rights, she can be punished with the addition of a new bride. Northern Nigeria is too underdeveloped for any NORTHERNER to say it’s ok, it is not ok!   

44.     Body Language: the North is currently the most backward region of Nigeria- chiefly responsible for our high rates of illiteracy and its attendant issues. It is also well known for its child bride issues. Every researcher worth their salt clearly identifies the North’s culture as a factor, whilst this was previously viewed as part of the Islamic injunction, forward moving states like Dubai clearly demonstrate that Islam does not equal backwardness. Northern leaders cannot therefore be seen by their actions to endorse age-old traditions that have been known to impede development.

It therefore does not matter that she will continue her studies! For the over 90% of girls less ‘fortunate’ who will be married off education will cease, leading to dismal outcomes and an unending cycle of poverty for the community which HRH ‘serves’. He must be seen to contend actively against ANY FACTOR that impedes his people. Child marriage is one such factor!! His body language in this case screams :“I have no problem with child marriage”!

55.     The duty of leadership: Africans have long enjoyed the benefits of office without consequent responsibility. World Leaders are held to higher standards. Constrained by the duty their office demands, they have lost the right to live how they please, or in response to old unprogressive traditions. I know for a fact that it is a long held Northern tradition to ‘gift’ brides to traditional rulers and it is considered an insult to return these ‘gifts’. HRH cannot given his exposure, skills, training and clout be seen to endorse a backward system. He owes the people of Kano and the entire nation a higher standard.  

For those eager to rush to his defense on the basis of it being reflective of his religion- my father was privileged to serve under a very devout Muslim who told him; “people use Islam as a means to push their weakness of character. The Quran says to marry up to 4 wives if one can love them equally. Common sense says that no one can love two women equally, talk less of four!”

Chinedu Diego
Is the Chief Enabler@ Skillzmax Consulting
A Human Capacity Maximization Company

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Failure Seminar 101

Recovering from Failure

When it rains, it pours! I think it was Sam Adeyemi who said it would be nice if we could have failure seminars- where rather than the larger than life personalities that facilitate success seminars, we have failures facilitate sessions in which they give us 10 steps so as not to end up like them. Well, we don’t have failure seminars (it won’t sell anyway) and typically people who fail are so busy hiding their failures that they don’t have time to pass on the lessons.

I just might be able to give that failure seminar- having suffered recently from quite a string of failures: In no particular order- I was sacked, TWICE! (More if I go further in time, but let’s not dig too far, ok? Of course it'ss not as nasty as it sounds-first time I was asked to resign, second time I was rationalized), then I dropped out of a PhD. Program where I had full scholarship (that’s also a nice way of putting it), then I had a series of miscarriages, a struggling business…Let’s just say I was failing on a grand scale!  I started to doubt myself-and the failures increased. Add to that the shame of the whole thing- boy was I ashamed! I couldn’t even explain why I felt such shame but I did despite my bold and unconcerned front.

Then Osayi Alile came to the Green House (my church) and said in effect ‘if your pastor knew all the mistakes I’ve made he’d never invite me and I will still make more mistakes’. The entire period she was there, I hung on every word. And for the first time I really understood the meaning of the words: ‘the words I speak to you are Spirit and life’. I’ve heard and taught on similar lines but this time those words really sank deep enough to not just stop my failure cycle but more importantly, start me on a part of greatness so amazing that I’m almost afraid. It also opened me up to Pastor Tosin Martins amazing message the week after (more on this shortly)and interesting experiences like meeting new people like Taiwo OJO who further demolished any remaining vestages of my failure-it is an event and no! One event does not determine my person.

Somehow in the midst of all these failures I forgot past successes- I graduated best in my Bsc. Class, in the top 10% of my university of Bradford Masters class which I funded largely from personal resources (lots of hard work, crazy hours), awards from the British council and NYSC (best play and it was my first attempt at writing a play)

I knew I had hit something awesome when without much deliberation I could get into my car and drive to LBS and I actually enjoyed myself! For almost 3 years, I couldn’t bear to do this! I was too ashamed, the pain was too raw, to my mind I had not only frittered a great opportunity, I had also managed to exclude myself from an amazing future living the life of my dreams. None would ever consider my PhD application seriously again, I was tainted!

Nonsense!! So if you are currently in half as much a quandary as I was or even more, I am that failure seminar facilitator, I’ve told you how I got to where I was, now it’s your turn, have you ever failed so much so you further sabotaged yourself, leading to even more inexplicable failures- Please share your story! If it’s any consolation most successful people have at sometime in their lives made mistakes.

Please allow me share what I did to get to where I am now in the days to come ‘10 steps from failure to success…’ Watch this space!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Ashoka course the future of work in Africa six week online professional development course

Course Sponsors:

Future Forward  Ashoka  Mastercard Foundation


Estee lauder graduate programme 2016 in south africa 12 months

Our Graduate Program has been developed to grow and enhance scarce skills and ultimately feed into the talent pool of Estee Lauder Companies. The graduate programme runs for 1 year effective January 2016.We have opportunities in the following areas:
• Marketing - Various Brands
• Human Resources
•  Store Development 
Applicants who have completed a relevant 3 year degree or similar will be considered.  Successful applicants will be contacted to attend a screening interview with an external Recruitment Agent. 
Thank you for choosing Estee Lauder Companies.  We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

August 25 & 26 Pray for Life (2 & 3)©C DIEGO 2015

August 25 Pray for Life (2)©C DIEGO 2015

Eph. 1.18-21...having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you  and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set - apart ones)& (so that you can know and understand) what is the immeasurable &unlimited &surpassing greatness of His power in &for us who believe,  as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead & seated Him at his [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], Far above all rule and authority & power & dominion & every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only In this world but also in the age &in theworld which are to come.

Africans are especially guilty of fearing Satan more than we fear God and really if you've heard all the 'testimonies'  of his 'greatness', you can't be blamed! If a 'Babalawo' and a pastor say"I will deal with you", the former is treated with more seriousness, consultation & fervent prayers, whilst the later receives our amusement. I once shared this thought and was told it is because of Gods' renowned goodness and Satan's evil. But I'm convinced we have more faith in Satan's 'badness' than in God's goodness.

We are not sure if we follow God earnestly, we'll end well but we are certain that if we mistakenly mess with Satan, we are doomed! Why won't we walk around defeated and worshipers of Satan exalted? Some of us specialise in 'deliverance' prayers tending towards Satan's glorification - as we spend time magnifying Satan's work, learning his names & methods. Forgetting that God's majesty & power is in us, the same one that raised Jesus and exalted him above ALL powers now and in the ages to come.

I'm not criticising anyone but if all you do is cast&bind fellowship with demons in prayer, it's no wonder they exert more authority than God does in your life.

Lord, thank you for light & understanding

August 26  Pray for Life (3)©C DIEGO 2015

Ephesians 1:22-23 AMP And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], [Ps. 8:6.] Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself].

The twin problems of fear of man and fear of Satan promotes a dysfunctional church that despite embodying the fullness of Jesus Christ, many times operates on levels far below God's ideal. How do I know?Because of comments I hear all too often like: "Let's go to church A or B, they pray HOT prayers, we need to do land deliverance before things will work for us, my pastor says..."Then my ultimate favourite,  said to me by my beloved mother of over 3 decades Christian standing when I remained single despite much prayers - maybe you need deliverance or you have a spiritual husband?

I asked my mum to show me a Bible verse supporting God and Satan joyfully sharing my spirit, she had none but...These things happen, in Africa because the demons here were of an extraction beyond the scope of the Bible. Of course, she didn't say it in those exact words, but that's my summary. I'm not criticising anyone or entering into a debate about church practices but if we are the same church spoken of in today'sverse that's headed by Jesus Christ and filled with all his fulness, we've got work to do!

Let's start with knowing God's word &refusing to put ourselves under bondage irrespective of people's experiences or practices that have no Biblical basis.

Lord, thanks for filling your church with the fulness of you & for making me a part of your Church&body!

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

23 & 24 August 2015 Pray for Life ©C DIEGO 2015

23 August Pray for Life ©C DIEGO 2015

Philippians 1:9-11 AMP And this I pray: that your love may abound yet more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight [that your love may display itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment], So that you may surely learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value [recognizing the highest and the best, and distinguishing the moral differences], and that you may be untainted and pure and unerring and blameless [so that with hearts sincere and certain and unsullied, you may approach] the day of Christ [not stumbling nor causing others to stumble]. May you abound in and be filled with the fruits of righteousness (of right standing with God and right doing) which come through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One), to the honor and praise of God [that His glory may be both manifested and recognized].

The safest way I know to successfully lead my thoughts into the obedience of Jesus Christ is to maintain constant contact with God in prayer. I may have responded unduly sharply to a situation, disappointed God, myself or those dear to me in my actions or inactions got tired of sticking with my dreams and purpose and willing to throw in the towel and God would lead me to a thought, book or person that would literally wake me up.  I'm sure you too have had similar experiences. 

Just thinking about how much prayer has saved me sent me thinking about the Pauline prayers and how important it is to pray right. Frankly speaking, a lot of the prayers we make are not scriptural, indeed if we are not careful, they have the markings of paganism. In the next few days let's take a cue from Paul and pray like him. You don't have to cram the prayers or say them verbatim, just personalise them, think through them and  ensure you pray in confidence.  Not fear, doubt or confusion.

Thank you Lord forenabling me pray SCRIPTURALLY

August 24 Pray for Life (1)©C DIEGO 2015

Ephesians 1:15-17 AMP For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints (the people of God), I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers. [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him,

Have you had an appointment with a Nigerian Leader?  He asked you to come,  you went, spending money you didn't have. Waited for hours unending, days even and although you travelled miles and sacrificed important appointments, he was unable to see you- 'responsibilities of state'. Depending on your relationship, his response could range from a rude "come again"to a conciliatory,  "please don't be angry, let's do next week". No matter how miffed you are, you stomach it, claim you understand even though you really don't understand how he could waste your time so!  Fake smile in place, you promise to return. This cycle may be repeated endlessly, yet we faithfully return with great hopes.

God, who could take life from the richest, most powerful and most connected, offers us protocol free entrance into his presence 24/7 (some people's calendars are so fully booked a 5 minute meeting with you requires one years' notice). Perhaps that's why we come to him with attitude,  like he's our Butler and we his master. 'Speed it up, you should have answered by now, you are too slow...' If PMB or Obama promised us something we'd be more at rest! But they and all the great men of the world combined are so beneath our great God that even if we don't get our desires we should be so awed by having his audience that we are satisfied. 

Much like being invited to the white house and merely shaking Obama 's hands/taking a picture would leave most of us. Yet, he doesn't treat us thus! We enter his presence like we're doing him a favour! We're too busy, too disapointed, too...How dare we give God attitude and deify mere men?

Thank you Lord for granting me deep and intimate knowledge of you