Tuesday, 25 August 2015

August 17 & 18 Fight for Life (2 & 3) ©C DIEGO 2015

 August  17 Fight for Life (2) ©C DIEGO 2015

Nehemiah 4:17 AMP Those who built the wall and those who bore burdens loaded themselves so that everyone worked with one hand and held a weapon with the other hand

Israel with only 7.1 million people, no natural resource and bordered by enemy-nations on every side has been fighting wars none stop since its nationhood- 1948. Thats 67 years!  Israel has managed to turn out some awesome feats: with over 50% of the land area as desert & only 20% naturally arable and only 3.7% of its population involved in agriculture, it produces 95% of its food and agriculture accounts for 2.5% GDP. Next to America, its the largest technology hub. Jews make up 45% of the top 40 of Forbes  400 (Americas richest);25% of all American Nobel Prize winners; 20% of professors at leading universities

Why have I reeled all these statistics? To tell you that life is for living! Dont be so engrossed in fighting for life that you forget to LIVE LIFE!! Statistically, Israel in more unsafe than Nigeria, yet annually more and more people elect to go to Israel! Dont be deceived, the reason Nigeria is more backward than Israel is not so much because of terrorism as because of an absence of a will to thrive!  Whatever front we may be fighting our war of life, please lets determine the following ahead: 1. You will win or 2. Die trying!

Its amazing how if were not careful, we can elect to live a less than par life, not quite what we dreamed, but at least we are alive? Really? Stop accepting the unacceptable! We want more people in God's kingdom? A spouse? Child?Job?House? Etc. Please lets stop pretending we dont want what we do! Check the spiritual and physical dimensions. Conduct honest reviews and ACT! We must stop waiting for life to happen to us! Lets go happen to life!

Lord, thank you for grace to fight hard&live well

August  18 Fight for Life (3) ©C DIEGO 2014

Jeremiah 6:16...Stand by the roads and look...ask for the eternal paths...then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls...

In fighting for life:  Be a student of history and LIFE. My mum got married at 18, left her family and all that was familiar and went all the way to Kano by road with a young Air force officer, 28  whom she had met working as a receptionist in a  Hotel and dated for about 6 months (he did not live in Lagos). She had never been to Kano, knew no soul there. Yet, when he & his 6 relatives came to ask for her hand in marriage, she parked up all her worldly goods in a taxi (he had no car) and went.

Apart from showing off my family history which Im currently writing, I told you that story to show the simplicity of life 43 years ago. Today, everything is complex- the guy must be a graduate, at least 30, drive a car (s), have a nice house, the church must inspect the house (dad lived in the mess at this time by the way-this is like a hotel for military personnel). The woman must be a graduate, slim, tall, rich, etc. They must date at least one year and have a wedding that gulps a fortune (how else can they and their families prove their wealth and levels?)

These creates problems: 1. People marry older 2. older women are less PHYSICALLY attractive to men, older men are more attractive to women (in general), men therefore, fish in a wider pond 3. Infertility rises with age! This is a NATURAL problem! Other dimensions like serial dating,sexual exposure and demons can make this complex but at the surface, the reason more people are unmarried/ infertile is because of the complexity introduced into the marriage equation. Even when people marry young by todays standards, they are still significantly older than Gods original design.

Before you go demon chasing and pulling heaven down, do you understand the natural dimensions of your issues?

Lord, teach me to pray with understanding

August  19 Fight for Life (4) ©C DIEGO 2015

2 Corinthians 10:4 AMP For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,

If marriage and infertility are not your issues,  you can replace them with anything that's your own: poor business, lack of money, job etc. I am amazed at the number of people who say they are looking for jobs for example, who mindlessly forward their cvs through the black hole of the internet, even though research shows that people are more likely to get jobs through relationships, or people who manage to live for 3 decades and have no mentors/friends who can pull them by the ears, tell them what they don't want to hear or people who want to be rich and have no rich friends.

I know you've always read todays verse as a battle cry to get your fighting prayer on but for today, I'd like for you to REALLY READ what the verse says: the weapons of our warfare are not carnal BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD FOR THE PULLING DOWN OF STRONG HOLDS(KJV). Tomorrow we'll go into details about what strong holds are (and it might not be what you've always thought!)Let it just suffice to say that strong holds are more about YOU, than any external force.

You are more critical in this battle than a thousand demons put together, so today THINK! I know you've been raised to almost associatethinking with sinning but give it a shot today. Thinkthrough whatever issues face you, preferably with a pen and paper: what are the REAL ISSUES? What are yourSTRONGHOLDS? Could you possibly be the one restraining God? Then PRAY. I'm amused today by the fact that I once struck off a potential suitor because he couldn't cook, it won't be so funny if it wasnt so pathetic, I had gotten that stronghold from the movies. And seeing my dad cook maybe twice in my lifetime.What's your stronghold?

Lord, thank you for helping us pull down strongholds

Day 199 July 18Fight for Life (5) ©C DIEGO 2014

2 Corinthians 10:5 AMP [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God

I dont know how this verse became a demon chasing one, except of course the demon is you! But please READ it for yourself  slowly: REFUTE ARGUMENTS AND THEORIES AND REASONINGS AND EVERY PROUD AND LOFTY THING THAT SETS ITSELF UP AGAINST THE [TRUE] KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Because this is so critical, lets carefully break down each word into simple English, not Bible speak.


Whether or not you are conscious about it, you have ARGUMENTS, THEORIES AND REASONINGS about everything you are going through and they may be proud, lofty and AGAINST THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. For example, you could be quite satisfied with your achievements in life, by Nigerian standards youve achieved yet by Gods standard, you are a major underachiever because, you havent done the things hes specifically asked you to do because you are afraid if you do them youd fail.Or maybe youve stopped believing for marriage, children, job, owning your own home/ business, etc because you reason: if it was going to happen, it would have happened since and now statistically speaking you are out but what does the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD SAY?

Lord I thank you for your true knowledge

Day 200 July 19 Fight for Life (6) ©C DIEGO 2014

2 Corinthians 10:5 AMP [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God AND WE LEAD EVERY THOUGHT AND PURPOSE AWAY CAPTIVE INTO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST

Its not enough to just refute arguments- thats where most of us stop! Yes we KNOW God means well for us, our families, business, etc. We know, yet we suffer the debilitating effects of failure, non achievement and depression! We must LEAD EVERY (not some) THOUGHT AND PURPOSE AWAY CAPTIVE INTO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST!

Most of us are quite good at refuting arguments but LEADING EVERY THOUGHT into obedience? I must confess I am a learner! I can faithfully confess that Im becoming better and better each day, but when I hit a brick wall- maybe a presentation didnt go well, I wonder, am I really any good at this? I can be consistently praying and believing God that my husband and I are becoming better at meeting each others needs, then something happens and I throw my hands up and think: why do I even bother? 

Perhaps you are a man who is currently dependent on his wife and YOU KNOW YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PROVIDE or you are a woman completely dependent on your husband but you KNOW HE WHO WOULD NOT WORK, SHOULD NOT EAT and you try but hit brick walls, the tendency is to give up! Maybe thats how God wants it! But a better option is to LEAD YOUR THOUGHTS; dont just allow your thoughts carry you. If your lifes experiences are not OBEDIENT TO JESUS YET, dont stop there, blaming the economy, and everyone else but you. 

If even one person can do it, so too can you! Stop excusing yourself and giving sound arguments for being where you hate to be. Dig deeper into God, ask empowering questions and remember, its not just about you- youre giving your children a blue print for their lifes expectations!


Day 201 July 20 Fight for Life (7) ©C DIEGO 2014


One last word on this fight for life and leading thoughts: every soldier at a war front who aims to be victorious and return home alive cannot afford to play with mental alertness yet, I notice that if I am not careful I can forget that there is a war going on, become casual about my dreams and visions, allow some day become a refrain for actions I KNOW I SHOULD BE DOING NOW, follow the crowd rather than my heart...

LEAD is an active word, meaning I might not feel like bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ but I must, if I really desire to be thrilled at my lifes end. BUT WHAT IS THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST? Simple answer: it is CHRISTs OPINION ABOUT EVERYTHING IM DEALING WITH. I might be jobless and thinking: there are no jobs, all the jobs are taken by nepotism. Or poor and thinking, the rich get richer and poor get poorer; Ill never get rich by honest means. Or single and thinking, Ill never get married, Ive missed the bus. Without a child and resigning myself to the fate of never having children-not everybody has children, Im even better than someIn an unhappy marriage and thinking, itll never get better, Ill just go with the flow, if it breaks maybe Id get a chance at another chanceYet Gods word says: the earth belongs to God, no good thing will he withhold from the righteous

The interesting thing about these thoughts is that they may never be voiced. People closest to us may never imagine were thinking like this and because our thoughts create our reality, we might find reinforcementst- marriage gets worse, no job, no spouse/ child, poverty, etc and we say: Aha! We said it! Never realizing we created our undesirable circumstances because we FAILED TO LEAD OUR THOUGHTS INTO CHRISTS OBEDIENCE!

Lord, teach me to lead my thoughts consistently into your obedience

Day 202 July 21Pray for Life ©C DIEGO 2014

Philippians 1:9-11 AMP And this I pray: that your love may abound yet more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight [that your love may display itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment], So that you may surely learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value [recognizing the highest and the best, and distinguishing the moral differences], and that you may be untainted and pure and unerring and blameless [so that with hearts sincere and certain and unsullied, you may approach] the day of Christ [not stumbling nor causing others to stumble]. May you abound in and be filled with the fruits of righteousness (of right standing with God and right doing) which come through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One), to the honor and praise of God [that His glory may be both manifested and recognized].

The safest way I know to successfully lead my thoughts into the obedience of Jesus Christ is to maintain constantcontact with God in prayer. I may have responded unduly sharply to a situation, disappointed God, myself or those dear to me in my actions or inactions got tired of sticking with my dreams and purpose and willing to throw in the towel and God would lead me to a thought, book or person that would literally wake me up.  I'm sure you too have had similar experiences. 

Just thinking about how much prayer has saved me sentme thinking about the Pauline prayers and how important it is to pray right. Frankly speaking, a lot of the prayers we make are not scriptural, indeed if we are not careful, they have the markings of paganism. In the next few days let's take a cue from Paul praying like him. You don't have to cram the prayers or say them verbatim, but please personalisethem, think through them and  ensure you pray in confidence.  Not fear, doubt or confusion.

Thank you Lord forenabling me pray SCRIPTURALLY

Day 203 July 22Pray for Life (1)©C DIEGO 2014

Ephesians 1:15-17 AMP For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints (the people of God), I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers. [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him,

Have you had an appointment with a Nigerian Leader?  He asked you to come,  you went, spending money you didn't have. Waited for hours unending, days even and although youtravelled miles and sacrificed important appointments, he was unable to see you- 'responsibilities of state'.Depending on your relationship, his response could range from a rude "come again"to a conciliatory,  "please don't be angry, let's do next week". No matter how miffed you are, you stomach it, claim you understand even though you really don't understand how he could waste your time so!  Fake smile in place, you promise to return. This cycle may be repeated endlessly, yet wefaithfully return with great hopes.

God, who could takelifefrom the richest, most powerful andmost connected, offers us protocol free entrance into his presence 24/7 (some people's calendars are so fully booked a 5 minute meeting with you requires one years' notice). Perhaps that's why we come to him with attitude,  like he's our Butler and we his master. 'Speed it up, you should have answered by now, you are too slow...' If GEJ or Obama promised us something we'd be more at rest! But they and all the great men of the world combined are so beneath our great Godthat even if we don't get our desires we should be so awed by having his audience that we are satisfied. 

Much like being invited to the white house and merely shaking Obama 's hands/taking a picture would leave most of us. Yet, he doesn't treat us thus! We enter his presence like we're doing him a favour! We're too busy, too disapointed, too...How dare we give God attitude and deify mere men?

Thankyou Lord for granting me deep and intimate knowledge of you

Day 204July 23Pray for Life (2)©C DIEGO 2014

Eph. 1.18-21...having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you  and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set - apart ones)& (so that you can know and understand) what is the immeasurable &unlimited &surpassing greatness of His power in &for us who believe,  as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead &seated Him at his [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], Far above all rule and authority &power &dominion &every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only In this world but also in the age &in theworld which are to come.

Africans are especially guilty of fearing Satan more than we fear Godand really if you've heard all the 'testimonies'  of his 'greatness', youcan't be blamed! If a 'Babalawo' and a pastorsay"I will deal with you", the former istreated with more seriousness, consultation&ferventprayers, whilst the laterreceives our amusement. I once shared this thought and was told its because of Gods renowned goodness and Satan's evil.ButI'mconvincedwe have more faith in Satan's 'badness' than in God's goodness.

We are not sure if we follow God earnestly, we'll end well but we are certain that if wemistakenly mess with Satan, we are doomed! Why won't we walk around defeated and worshipers of Satan exalted? Some of usspecialise in 'deliverance' prayerstendingtowards Satan's glorification - as we spend time magnifying Satan's work, learning his names & methods. Forgetting that God's majesty &poweris in us, the same one that raised Jesus and exalted him aboveALL powers now and in the ages to come.

I'm not criticising anyone but if all you do is cast&bind fellowship with demons in prayer, it's no wonder they exert more authority than God does in your life.

Lord, thank you for light &understanding

Day 205July 24 Pray for Life (3)©C DIEGO 2014

Ephesians 1:22-23 AMP And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], [Ps. 8:6.] Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself].

The twin problems of fear of man and fear of Satan promotesa dysfunctional church thatdespite embodying the fullness of Jesus Christ, many times operates on levels far below God's ideal. How do I know?Because of comments I hear all too often like: "Let's go to church A or B, they pray HOT prayers, we need to do land deliverance before things will work for us, my pastor says..."Then my ultimate favourite,  said to me by my beloved mother of over 3 decades Christian standing when I remained single despite much prayers - maybe you need deliveranceor you have a spiritual husband?

Iaskedmy mum to show me a Bible verse supportingGod and Satan joyfullysharing my spirit, she had none but...These things happen, in Africa because the demons herewere of an extraction beyond the scope of the Bible. Of course, she didn't say it in those exact words, but that's my summary. I'm not criticising anyone or entering into a debate about church practices but if we are the same church spoken of in today'sverse that's headed by Jesus Christ and filled with all his fulness, we've got work to do!

Let's startwith knowing God's word &refusing to put ourselves under bondage irrespective of people's experiences or practices that have no Biblical basis.

Lord, thanks for filling your church with the fulness of you &for making mea part of your Church&body!

Day 206July 25Pray for Life (4)©C DIEGO 2014

Eph 3:10-12 AMP...that through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere. This is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose which He has realized and carried into effect in [the person of] Christ Jesus our Lord, In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear).

This is not really aPauline prayerbut it continues the church theme which we must explore a bitmore. According to theseverses, the churchis to display the many - sidedness of God's wisdom to PRINCIPALITIES&POWERS.  Because through our faith in God, we have such awesome boldness of free access to God without Fear!Thepowers most of us are afraid of, running from one prophet to prayer house are actually supposed to be taking lessons from us,in awe of our fearless access to God!

But in how manychurches is this concept of our being wonders to be beheld in awe by principalities and powers taught?  Instead, we are taught theirWONDERS! No wonder! we areafraid and Powerless!  If you lead in church, please communicate this truth, not just in small meetings but in main services: principalities and powers are in awe of Gods many - sidedwisdom displayed through his church - you &me! As a body we've got so much we'renot using because we're more concerned with buildingmembership than disciples;  acquiring things than pleasing God; developing business contacts than people; popularity with men than power with God! No offense to any church, or person, just a clarion callto walk in the fullness of God's design. You are so powerful, nothing but you can restrainYou, go succeed!

Lord, I thank you for choosing to display yourwisdom through us!

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