Sunday, 23 August 2015

August  15 Fight for Life ©C DIEGO 2015

Matt 9:38 AMP So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest.

Ive never really considered myself much of a fighter and in the past I actually used to brag about how much of a quitter I was and how I didnt like trouble and how my mum was the fighter and how Im just in awe of her.

Well, in recent times Im realizing the importance of being a fighter and teaching our children to fight! Life is not for sissies and if you live long enough, youre going to have to fight for something otherwise, you are going to have a nondescript life and youre going to hate yourself for it.

Through my writings and the few friends Ive garnered along the way, I am sometimes asked for counsel and in recent times I found myself answering questions such as when will my husband/ child / job come? With less and less certainty and clarity so I knew I had to go back to the one who owns me.

And what I hear is to FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH! I know youve done all you know to do, but all you know to do is not all there is to do. Theres so much apathy in peoples voices and actions that I wish I could shake them and say: this is your life! Its not a dress rehearsal FIGHT! Dont just wish and hopeAnother year is rolling away, are you going to just watch it roll by?

Todays verse shows that even for something that God so expressly wills- Salvation, HE ASKS THAT WE PRAY! How dare you give up saying, if God wills it, itll be done? Get a praying!

Lord, I refuse to be apathetic, this is my life and Im fighting for it!!

August  16 Fight for Life (1) ©C DIEGO 2015

Matthew 6:9 AMP this: Our Father Who is in heaven...

Im entering contentious waters but, despite what you have been told, all issues are not spiritual, some are physical. Some issues have a physical presentation but in reality are spiritual. Physical solutions do not solve spiritual problems and spiritual solutions do not solve physical problems. Sometimes, some issues require both a physical and spiritual solution. ONLY GOD CAN GIVE A TRUE DIAGNOSIS AND HE WONT GIVE IT IF HES NOT ASKED. Are you asking!

Consciously or unconsciously, we have turned prayer into diabolical sessions in which we can actually enter and exit without really KNOWING this God as father. Using the many sacrifices available- fasts, offerings, etc. we plead seemingly with an unwilling God to give us our desires and if we dont get them, we shrug God knows best outwardly unperturbed, but inwardly confused and uncertain of his love. Some even venture towards witch doctors- God can use anyone, they tell themselves.

A lot of the times God uses nature to give us insight into him so Im thankful I had a great relationship with my father, I believe it gives me insight into genuine prayer to God the father. First, audience with God isnt always to ask for something! Some days, pray just to hear His voice, tell him something funny, laugh, play, seek his opinion, ask questions, just chill. If all you do in prayer is to command the hosts of angels and demons, you miss out on a vital relationship element to prayer and we know, relationships opens doors like nothing else can.

Its at fellowship times like this that God can tell you things others may have told you but you didnt hear; lose some weight, forgive your brother/sister/ stepmother/fatherGo out more, laugh more, consider that not so fine looking brother take a battle position against your village, see a doctor.

Lord, help me really seek you

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