August 21 Fight for Life (6) ©C DIEGO 2015
2 Corinthians 10:5 AMP [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God AND WE LEAD EVERY THOUGHT AND PURPOSE AWAY CAPTIVE INTO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST…
It’s not enough to just refute arguments- that’s where most of us stop! Yes we KNOW God means well for us, our families, business, etc. We know, yet we suffer the debilitating effects of failure, non achievement and depression! We must LEAD EVERY (not some) THOUGHT AND PURPOSE AWAY CAPTIVE INTO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST!
Most of us are quite good at refuting arguments but LEADING EVERY THOUGHT into obedience? I must confess I am a learner! I can faithfully confess that I’m becoming better and better each day, but when I hit a brick wall- maybe a presentation didn’t go well, I wonder, am I really any good at this? I can be consistently praying and believing God that my husband and I are becoming better at meeting each other’s needs, then something happens and I throw my hands up and think: why do I even bother?
Perhaps you are a man who is currently dependent on his wife and YOU KNOW YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PROVIDE or you are a woman completely dependent on your husband but you KNOW HE WHO WOULD NOT WORK, SHOULD NOT EAT and you try but hit brick walls, the tendency is to give up! Maybe that’s how God wants it! But a better option is to LEAD YOUR THOUGHTS; don’t just allow your thoughts carry you. If your life’s experiences are not OBEDIENT TO JESUS YET, don’t stop there, blaming the economy, and everyone else but you.
If even one person can do it, so too can you! Stop excusing yourself and giving sound arguments for being where you hate to be. Dig deeper into God, ask empowering questions and remember, it’s not just about you- you’re giving your children a blue print for their life’s expectations!
August 22 Fight for Life (7) ©C DIEGO 2015
One last word on this fight for life and leading thoughts: every soldier at a war front who aims to be victorious and return home alive cannot afford to play with mental alertness yet, I notice that if I am not careful I can forget that there is a war going on, become casual about my dreams and visions, allow ‘some day’ become a refrain for actions I KNOW I SHOULD BE DOING NOW, follow the crowd rather than my heart...
LEAD is an active word, meaning I might not feel like bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ but I must, if I really desire to be thrilled at my life’s end. BUT WHAT IS THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST? Simple answer: it is CHRIST’s OPINION ABOUT EVERYTHING I’M DEALING WITH. I might be jobless and thinking: there are no jobs, all the jobs are taken by nepotism. Or poor and thinking, the rich get richer and poor get poorer; I’ll never get rich by honest means. Or single and thinking, I’ll never get married, I’ve missed the bus. Without a child and resigning myself to the fate of never having children-not everybody has children, I’m even better than some…In an unhappy marriage and thinking, it’ll never get better, I’ll just go with the flow, if it breaks maybe I’d get a chance at another chance…Yet God’s word says: the earth belongs to God, no good thing will he withhold from the righteous…
The interesting thing about these thoughts is that they may never be voiced. People closest to us may never imagine we’re thinking like this and because our thoughts create our reality, we might find reinforcements- marriage gets worse, no job, no spouse/ child, poverty, etc and we say: Aha! We said it! Never realizing we created our undesirable circumstances because we FAILED TO LEAD OUR THOUGHTS INTO CHRISTS OBEDIENCE!
Lord, teach me to lead my thoughts consistently into your obedience
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